Shusu Sleek Shampoo 300 ml

[:it]Shampoo[:en]This paraben and silicon-free formula, enriched with black cumin oil, sensuously disciplines coarse or unruly hair. It intensely nurtures the hair fiber, delivering frizz control and volume reduction with a satiny shine. The finished hair result draws inspiration from shusu, luxurious Japanese satin: soft, radiant and fluid.

Black Cumin Oil: this dark ingredient revered for thousands of years contains ove 100 concentrated actives, notably essential Omega-3 & 6 fatty acids and nigellone, a powerful botanical antioxidant.

Application: apply to wet hair, massage and rinse thoroughly. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately.

In the same line: Shusu Sleek Conditioner 250 ml/ Shusu Sleek Mask 200 ml.



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Informazioni aggiuntive

Shampoo lisciante, indicato per capelli crespi e indisciplinati. La sua formula, priva di silicone e parabeni, arricchita da estratti di olio di cumino nero, disciplina dolcemente i capelli crespi e indisciplinati. Nutre delicatamente la fibra capillare, controllando il volume e l’effetto crespo. Rende i capelli lisci e setosi, grazie ai principi attivi dell’Omega 3 e 6 e del nigellone, efficace antiossidante di origine vegetale.
Modalità di impiego: applicare sui capelli bagnati, massaggiare e risciacquare abbondantemente.
Prodotti presenti nella stessa linea: Shusu Sleek Conditioner 250ml/ Shusu Sleek Masque 200ml.

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